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Above the Clouds

Personal Spiritual Stories

Chris Hyde, a retired psychologist, would like to hear from people about their pivotal spiritual experiences: an inner experience so powerful that it changed a person in such a pivotal way that their life afterward was clearly different than before. Such experiences often happen when a person’s outer circumstances are extremely difficult yet they discover a wonderful inner intimacy with a Divine Companion within.

Shadow on Concrete Wall


Some well-known examples are centuries old, like Julian of Norwich, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Other well-known examples are decades old, like Viktor Frankl, Betsie ten Boom and Howard Thurman.


That might (mistakenly) lead you to believe that only special and sainted people in times past have such a rich inner spirituality. But even unheralded people living today are finding that the inner experience is strong and fresh, that it is available to even an “ordinary” person now.

The Feel of these Experiences

Although each person's spiritual experience is unique and profoundly personal, they share some common elements:

   -feeling intimately connected with a Divine Partner dwelling within;

   -being able to more easily escape the grip of your toughest inner psychological issues;

   -becoming much kinder and more engaged in their relationships in the outer world.


These experiences had a certain tone or feeling:

   --feeling connected in an inner relationship of exquisite tender affection

   --seeing life more clearly and seeing others in a kinder light

   --developing an inner poise that displaces previous fears and turmoil

   --having a compassion that flows far more readily, especially to those who didn’t seem very lovable


These experiences powerfully change a person, enabling them to do things that previously seemed impossible; they courageously attempted things that they had never even considered doing before.

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Above the Clouds

Sharing Your Spiritual Story

These experiences can be a road map to the possibilities awaiting within your own inner world. But the great value of these experiences can be overlooked or lost if they aren’t articulated and shared. Perhaps you have had such an experience but haven’t been able to share it with another person.


Chris Hyde has talked with a few people who’ve had such pivotal inner spiritual experiences. He is interested in talking with more people who’ve had such inner spiritual experiences. If you would be willing to share your personal story, he would like to meet with you via Zoom to learn about your pivotal spiritual experience. Contact:


If you are open to sharing your experience, a written summary of your experiences could be included in a collection of similar stories. The common elements that emerge from such a collection may help another person appreciate his or her own inner world more deeply. Perhaps such a collection might inspire others to explore the inner paths that lead them to their own first-hand spiritual experience. 

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